International Student Day at Gloria Christian Bilingual School: Exploring the World Culture

International Student Day at Gloria Christian Bilingual School: Exploring the World Culture

Pada bulan November ini, Gloria Christian Bilingual School (GCBS) kembali merayakan International Student Day dengan penuh semangat bersama siswa SD Kristen Gloria 3. Acara yang diadakan dalam rangka memperluas wawasan siswa tentang keberagaman budaya dunia ini menjadi momen yang tak terlupakan bagi semua yang terlibat.

Carrying the theme of three countries - Finland, China and Africa - this event provides a tour experience to each country represented in the booths. Students could explore many information regarding school buildings, languages, traditional clothings, and learning styles of children in each country intensely.

Not only did this event provide insight into cultural diversity, but it also touched students' hearts with stories about the struggles of several students in various parts of the world to be able to go to school. They learnt the values of perseverance, tenacity, and determination from students who encountered obstacles to obtain an education.

International Student Day di GCBS tahun ini tidak hanya menjadi perayaan keberagaman budaya, tetapi juga menjadi pengalaman yang membangkitkan kesadaran akan nilai pendidikan dan perjuangan yang dilakukan oleh banyak siswa di seluruh dunia. Acara ini menjadi langkah nyata dalam menginspirasi siswa untuk menghargai hak pendidikan dan mengembangkan pemahaman yang lebih dalam tentang budaya global.

With the enthusiasm and new knowledge gained from this event, It is hoped that through great enthusiasm and knowledge, students will continue to carry the message of peace, respect for cultural diversity, as well as a passion for learning in their future journey.

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