SMA Kristen Gloria Celebrates National Education Day by Building Class Solidarity

SMA Kristen Gloria Celebrates National Education Day by Building Class Solidarity

The founding father of Indonesian education, Ki Hajar Dewantara, and National Education Day go hand in hand. He campaigned tenaciously for Indonesians to receive an education. Everybody takes a minute to reflect on the value of education for the nation and country, especially for the younger generation, on National Education Day, which is commemorated on May 2. The student council at SMA Kristen Gloria organised a number of events under the theme Sympnoia on May 11, 2023, to commemorate National Education Day this year. The word "sympnoia" itself is Greek and denotes working together to overcome challenges.

Students are required to foster classmate camaraderie and unity through the events held in order to foster a positive learning environment. Rally games, "gobak sodor" contests, and interclass debating competitions were held. The activities were followed by class camaraderie. All of the students took part in the exercise with enthusiasm. Many pupils will be more enthusiastic to study at school if the classroom is coherent and welcoming.

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